Each of us is worth more.

We are all worthy of being seen as people who matter, yet we often see people as obstacles or problems. Your culture won’t change unless you focus on changing the dehumanizing beliefs and behaviors that are holding your people back.

Know More is a training consultancy that shows people how examining the unconscious biases that exist in all of us opens the door to psychologically safe cultures where employees are more fully engaged and productive.

We empower people to make a difference.

Our training philosophy revolves around three key pillars: Know More, Learn More, and Do More.

Know More. Our Services.

"Know More" empowers leaders and organizations with strategic planning and DEIB roadmaps, instructional design consulting, and individual and team assessments that underscore the inherent worth of each individual.

Learn More. Our Courses + Workshops.

"Learn More" harnesses the power of collaboration through our Training Partners, offering asynchronous content, resources, and instructor-led workshops to deepen your understanding of yourself and your community.

Do More. Our Programs.

"Do More" empowers change and enhances operational efficiency, accountability, and leadership and organizational development experiences. Our programs guide the implementation of DEIB and individual leadership development training effectively.

Find a DEIB Trainer or Consultant 

We are creating a diverse network of experts to provide workshops, resources, and learning opportunities. Our partners offer training on DEIB and leadership topics to improve your culture and community. Whether you need a trainer for unbiased hiring and promotions, leadership development, or an empowering facilitator or speaker for an event, we can help. All our partners focus on bridging the gap between learning and application, empowering individuals, teams, and organizations to make a difference.

Training Professionals & Consultants - Join our Academy.

Are you considering the possibility of extending your influence by converting your live workshops or presentations into online learning experiences? As Instructional Design experts we can bring your vision to life! Our dedicated team is adept at taking your existing content and presentations, and crafting engaging online learning courses that will empower you to expand your influence and cater to a wider audience of learners.

Our Strategic Partners & Clients

Why Choose Know More?

We Offer Learning Experiences that Meet You Where You Are

Operationalize and streamline your Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) training efforts to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace. By applying Know More's principles to DEIB we help you create an organizational culture with unmatched engagement, retention, and performance. Our DEIB tools guide participants through a process of self-discovery that uncovers unhelpful biases and promotes a culture of inclusion and belonging.

Shift Personal Perspectives

Elevate Individual Experiences

Foster Greater Diversity

Create Systemic Change

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Achieve your Goals

Community Builder Certification Program

Our Community Builder Certification Program targets the confidence and competence new leaders need to recognize and apply the skills and behaviors required to help your business or organization grow and impact its community from a human-centered, equitable lens.

Our Online Learning Experiences

Explore our curated collection of courses, workshops, and resources from our training partners.


Upgrade your professional and leadership development by earning a certification or credential from one of our training partners.

Facilitated Workshops

We partner with the best trainers in the business who facilitate engaging workshops that empower people to make a difference.

Online Courses

Hundreds of online courses and resources to help leaders and organizations enhance their cultures and development.

Case Studies

Services Provided
— DEIB Strategic planning

Tippecanoe County Government

Tippecanoe County, a vibrant community in Indiana, is home to a diverse population with a rich cultural tapestry. However, like any other community, it faced its unique set of challenges.
Services Provided
— Strategic Planning
— executive mentoring
— Instructional Design

P30 Indy

The leading coworking space in the Far Eastside of Indianapolis needed a mission, vision, and strategic plan to create a space that promotes belonging, human-centered connection, and thriving communities. The Executive Director also participated in executive mentoring to support her development as a first-time Executive Director.
Services Provided
— Individual and Group Assessments
— workshops

James Russell Lowell IPS#51

Two schools merged after one closed on the Eastside of Indianapolis. Know More helped School 51 integrate and promote equity among faculty and staff, benefiting students and families served.
Services Provided
— workshops

St. Luke's United Methodist Church

What do you do when a group of predominately white volunteers wants to support Black and Brown youth on the Northside of Indianapolis? Hire Know More to train your volunteers to be equipped with tools and resources to effectively support diverse youth and adopt an Outward Mindset.
Services Provided
— Instructional DEsign

Cathedral High School

Cathedral High School enlisted our team to create student workbooks for a new curriculum, aiming to integrate service-learning into the curriculum and engage over 400 students in a year-long project.
Services Provided
— DEIB Strategic PLanning
— IMplementation support

Children's TherAplay Foundation

The Children's TherAplay Foundation provides physical, occupational, and speech therapy for children with disabilities using horse movement, known as hippotherapy. They needed intentional support to develop and implement an equity-focused strategy for operations and community engagement.
Services Provided
— Strategic Planning
— Instructional DEsign

Nexus Impact Center

Nexus Impact Center hired Know More to develop a mission, vision, and strategic plan, leading them to become a top co-working and event space in Indianapolis. Our team also helped with the Powerhouse Cohort program, engaging diverse leaders in a year-long leadership development program.
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Share your story on the Stood in the Gap Podcast.

Are you a leader who is tasked with spearheading the DEIB initiatives at your organization? Are you eager to share your personal journey of growth and transformation? 
Write your awesome label here.

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New Know More Academy App

Learn and grow on your own time, manage your courses directly from your phone or tablet, and keep your leadership development experience consistent without feeling overwhelmed.

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